Society and other people place many straitjackets that threaten to mold you. I felt the straitjacket of family expectation to go to college to get a career to make much money. It seemed very stifling. In Mark 6 reveals five straightjackets and tells how God frees you from each one.  

Follow God’s Expectations and Not Limited Family Vision 
When Jesus began teaching in his hometown synagogue, many scoffed about his wisdom and miracles because they knew he was a carpenter and his family origin.  He said that a “prophet is not without honor except in his home town and among his own relatives and in his own household.”  Jesus couldn’t do any miracles except heal a few sick people because of their unbelief (Mark 6:1-6). Families often want to limit your opportunities and become offended if you get ahead and break out of the mold. Christ’s vision for your life is much greater.

Trust in a Person, Not in Preparation and Planning
Jesus sent out the apostles in pairs giving them authority over evil spirits. He told them to take nothing on their journey except a staff and to wear sandals. His disciples were to rely on the hospitality of others and leave a place if the people weren’t receptive to their message. They preached that men should repent, casting out demons and healing many sick people (Mark 6:7-13). Christ wants you to trust in His provision and leading, not your preparation and planning.

Embrace Moral Purity and Don’t Compromise to Get Ahead
King Herod had John the Baptist arrested because he confronted the king about his immoral marriage to Herodias, his brother’s wife. Herod was afraid of John knowing he was a righteous and holy man. He wanted to put him to death, but couldn’t do so. After Herodias’ daughter danced, she told her to ask for John the Baptist’s head after Herod swore he would give her anything she wanted. John was killed and the disciples laid him in a tomb (Mark 6:14-32). Resist the worldly temptation to get ahead by compromising your moral convictions in spite of the consequences. 

Trust God to Multiply Your Meager Resources 
After the apostles rested from their short-term ministry assignment, Jesus felt compassion for a great multitude because they were like sheep without a shepherd. Instead of letting the 5,000 people leave late at night, He told the disciples to give them something to eat. When they discovered five loaves and two fish, Jesus took what they had, looked up toward heaven and broke the loaves until everyone was satisfied (Mark 6:33-44).  Don’t quit or say you can’t serve, but give Him what you have and see Him expand and multiply it.

Pray and Rely on God’s Wisdom, Not Your Own 
The disciples got into a boat and went ahead of Christ to Bethsaida. Jesus departed to the mountain to pray. During a storm, they saw Him walking on the sea. He told them to take courage and not be afraid. Once Jesus got into the boat, the wind stopped and they were great astonished. They had not gained any insight from feeding the 5,000 because their heart was hardened (Mark 6:45-52). Don’t rely on your own wisdom, but trust God through prayer for supernatural guidance and help.

Which of these straightjacket(s) describe you? Take the necessary action (pray, change your mind, adopt a new habit, etc.) to be freed from that particular straightjacket.

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