Early in my corporate career, I exhibited bad attitudes and anger because of stress. Within my purchasing job, I felt pressure to meet the expectations of others, so became impatient instead of calmly arguing my case and trusting God for the result. Abraham allowed pressurized situations to prompt him to lie. In Gen. 20, you see how God uses authorities to develop your character. 

Authorities reveal selfishness and deception so you can love others.  You can do ministry like Abraham who interceded for Sodom in Gen. 18, but still remain worldly like Lot in the very core of your being (Gen. 19). Ministry is not something you do, but something you are. 

Abraham told Abimelech king of Gerar that Sarah was his sister, which was a lie. God came to Abimelech in a dream and said he would die if he would have relations with Sarah, a married woman (Gen. 20:2-3).  God upholds the sacredness of the marriage relationship. Those who enter extra-marital affairs suffer severe consequences.

Abimelech argued that he was misled by Abraham. The Lord agreed that he possessed integrity of heart and also kept him from sinning by not allowing him to touch Sarah. He commanded Abimelech to restore Sarah back to Abraham who would pray for him so he could live (Gen. 20:4-7). You reap what you sow since sin results in consequences no matter your station in life.

Abimelech confronted Abraham about his actions that almost caused the king to sin. He rubbed Abraham’s face into the dirt even more by saying, ” You have done to me things that ought not to be done” (Gen. 20:8-9). Abimelech understood that government is under God’s authority and must be accountable to Him. Sometimes God uses unbelieving authorities to show our character deficiencies and wrong motivations. 

Abraham said no fear of God in this place would result in him being killed. It was the answer to Abimelech’s question of what motivated Abraham’s lie about Sarah being his sister (Gen. 20:10-13). We can learn from people of the world, including authorities, who often practice justice and righteousness.  

Abimelech gave sheep, oxen, servants and 1000 pieces of silver to Abraham as vindication along with restoring Sarah to him (Gen. 20:14-16). Not only do we learn justice and righteousness from people of the world, but how to love others.  

Abraham prayed to God and He healed Abimelech, wife and maids so they bore children. The Lord had closed fast all the wombs of Abimelech’s household because of Sarah (Gen. 20:17-18). Your life influences others positively or negatively. Abraham learned through these fearful circumstances to trust God so he could be a positive influence. He demonstrated love by interceding for Abimelech’s family to open their wombs and undo the consequences of sin. 

What pressurized situation are you experiencing with an authority in your life? Get your mind off yourself and love them. What will you do?  

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