To release God’s healing for closer heart relationships between fathers and children, surrender your heart to teach whole Bible so you create desire for instruction, unified marriage, purified people, hate oppression, give financially to God’s kingdom and expect God to write a scroll of remembrance.  

Surrender Your Heart to Show God’s Greatness
Malachi told Israel that God showed love by loving Jacob and hating Esau. He turned his mountains into a wasteland called The Wicked Land.  God continually demolished it to prove His greatness to Israel. They did not honor and respect God like a son to His father. The priests despised His name by sacrificing crippled or diseased animals on the altar they would not offer to their governor. God was displeased and found these useless fires unacceptable. They shamed and cheated Him by sacrificing blemished animals instead of offering acceptable males they vowed to give. Israel was to show nations that God was to be feared as a great king (Mal. 1:1-14). Surrender your heart to show God’s greatness to unbelievers.

Teach Whole Bible to Create Desire for Instruction
If priests did not set their heart to listen or honor God, He sent a curse and cut off their descendants. He made a covenant of life and peace with Levi so they could reverence His name. True instruction was in his mouth as he walked in peace and uprightness turning many from sin. Priests should preserve knowledge so men would seek instruction from the messenger of the Lord Almighty. But they turned from the way, violated the covenant with Levi and their teaching caused many to stumble. God caused them to be despised and humiliated before everyone since they did not follow His ways showing partiality in matters of the law (Mal. 2:1-9). Teach whole Bible to turn people from sin and create desire for instruction. 

Guard Your Spirit for Unified Marriage to Bear Godly Offspring
Judah broke faith with one another by marrying the daughter of a foreign god. God did not accept their offerings because they broke their marriage bond through divorce. He sought godly offspring from the one flesh relationship between husband and wife. Husbands who guarded their spirit prevented breaking faith with the wife of their youth since God hated divorce (Mal. 2:10-16). Guard your spirit for unified marriage to bear godly offspring.

Participate with God to Purify His People and Hate Oppression
They wearied Him saying those who did evil were pleasing to Him and questioning whether there was a God of justice. No one could stand the refiner’s fire of God’s coming as He purified the Levites like gold and silver. Judah’s and Jerusalem’s righteous offerings would be acceptable. God would judge sorcerers, adulterers and perjurers. He was against those who defrauded laborers of their wages, oppressed the widows and fatherless, and deprived aliens of justice without fearing God (Mal. 2:17-3:5). Participate with God to purify His people and hate oppression of others.

Give Financially to God’s Kingdom and Reap His Blessing
His people should return to God and His word so He would return to them. He cursed Israel because they robbed Him of tithes and offerings. Bringing the whole tithe into the storehouse brought food into His house. By testing Him, they saw Him open the floodgates of heaven to pour out so much blessing that there was no room for it. He prevented pests from devouring crops and fruit from their  fields. All nations called them blessed in a delightful land (Mal. 3:6-12). Give financially to God’s kingdom and reap His blessing.

Expect God to Write a Scroll of Remembrance By Fearing Him
Israel said it was futile to serve God since evildoers prospered and those who challenged God escaped. The Lord listened and wrote a scroll of remembrance for people who feared Him and talked with each other. He distinguished between those who served God as His treasured possession and those who did not (Mal. 3:13-18). Expect God to write a scroll of remembrance by fearing Him.

Release God’s Healing for Closer Heart Relationships Between Fathers and Children 
A day would come to burn the arrogant and every evildoer. For those who revered God’s name, the sun of righteousness would rise with healing so they leaped like calves released from the stall. They trampled down the wicked like ashes under their feet. Malachi commanded Israel to remember the law God gave Moses at Horeb. He would send Elijah before the dreadful day of the Lord to turn the hearts of fathers to their children and hearts of children to their fathers or else curse the land (Mal. 4:1-6). Release God’s healing for closer heart relationships between fathers and children.

To release God’s healing for closer heart relationships between fathers and children:
1. Surrender your heart to teach whole Bible
2. Turn people from sin
3. Create desire for instruction
4. Guard your spirit for unified marriage
5. Bear godly children
6. Participate with God to purify His people
7. Hate oppression of others
8. Give financially to God’s kingdom and reap His blessings
9. Expect God to write a scroll of remembrance


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