Are You Fulfilling the Dream God Has Designed for You?

Are You Fulfilling the Dream God Has Designed for You?

We all grow up with negative conditioning. We hear words like, “Children are to be seen and not heard,” or “You will never amount to anything.” After the age of five, most people stop dreaming. They settle for mediocrity rather than pursuing their passion. Those who  accomplish anything in life aren’t satisfied with the status quo, but continually…

How to Restore Broken Relationships (Insights in Law)

How to Restore Broken Relationships (Insights in Law)

Building good relationships is complicated and challenging. Life becomes so frantic that we don’t take time to listen to our spouse in marriage or give focused attention to our children. God has made women and men different, not only physically, but in their emotional life. Men want respect. Women desire love. Women’s concern is the home and men’s focus is often the…

What’s the Secret Ingredient to Make Our World a Better Place?

What’s the Secret Ingredient to Make Our World a Better Place?

What causes office politics, strife between people, complaints, selfishness, worthlessness and much of the unhappiness in the world today? John the Baptist was concerned about these issues and His work was preparatory to the ultimate solution. An internal fix was needed to make the world a better place!In the midst of man’s manipulations and schemes…

Seeking Bliss! (Insights in Law)

Seeking Bliss! (Insights in Law)

The day-to-day grind of life can be boring and tedious. We long for excitement. Even those working at compelling jobs often get tired of the routine. We may pursue indoor activities like woodworking or dancing for a change of pace. Others prefer outdoor activities–gardening, sailing, golfing, hunting or fishing. Marriage is the most significant relationship of life, but it can lose its spark…