Trust God During Crisis to Reap Benefits (Insights in Psalms)

Trust God During Crisis to Reap Benefits (Insights in Psalms)

Trusting God during temptations, crisis and stress reap benefits. By committing to purity, you reap greater learning and competence in your work. By asking God for wisdom and communicating with humility during a crisis, you reap promotion, provision and influence. By refusing to worship idols and trusting God during stressful circumstances, you see unbelievers praise God. …

Speak God’s Word Openly As Christ’s Disciple (Insights in NT)

Speak God’s Word Openly As Christ’s Disciple (Insights in NT)

Many forces conspire to prevent you from speaking God’s word openly as Christ’s disciple. Learning evangelism presentations and applying church growth methods are not sufficient. When close friends betray you, you may lose confidence in the gospel. When persecution makes life harder and more complicated, it becomes tempting to pursue the American dream of prosperity…

What Happens When You Seek Your Individual Rights?

What Happens When You Seek Your Individual Rights?

Our culture focuses on individual rights. We think our actions only affect ourselves and no one else. Many people live like lone rangers in a vaccuum. They don’t understand how little things reap dire consequences in the larger community, including their families and church bodies. Just like a stone being thrown in a pond, concentric ripples move outward affecting the whole body…