Trust God During Crisis to Reap Benefits (Insights in Psalms)

Trust God During Crisis to Reap Benefits (Insights in Psalms)

Trusting God during temptations, crisis and stress reap benefits. By committing to purity, you reap greater learning and competence in your work. By asking God for wisdom and communicating with humility during a crisis, you reap promotion, provision and influence. By refusing to worship idols and trusting God during stressful circumstances, you see unbelievers praise God. …

Dealing with Compromise, Independence and Stress (Insights in Prophets)

Dealing with Compromise, Independence and Stress (Insights in Prophets)

Compromise, independence and stress are modern-day issues that David also faced while being chased by Saul. What can we do to overcome these beasts that produce lies, attacks, chaos and  lack of peace? We see the importance of relationships combin addition to obeying God’s word as  solutions. Study 1 Sam. 21-22 to learn how obedience,…