Participate in God’s Kingdom Purposes (Insights in Prophets)

Participate in God’s Kingdom Purposes (Insights in Prophets)

How do you participate in God’s kingdom purpose in the world, whether it’s arts & entertainment, business, education, family, government, media and religion? Prioritize seeking and building God’s kingdom by obeying and recognizing His presence. Be strong and steward God’s resources by turning to Him and meditating on His word. Prioritize Seeking God and See…

Conversions Necessary for Proper Stewardship (Insights in Law)

Conversions Necessary for Proper Stewardship (Insights in Law)

Martin Luther wrote that for proper stewardship, “there are three conversions necessary: the conversion of the heart, mind, and the purse.” Deut. 13-15 explains proper stewardship begins with loving God (conversion of the heart). It continues with confronting sin and eating healthy (conversion of the mind). It concludes with paying the firstfruits of your earnings,…

Biblical Convictions Derived from Discipleship (Insights in NT)

Biblical Convictions Derived from Discipleship (Insights in NT)

Christian pollster George Barna said, “Faith makes very little difference in their [Christians] lives: believers do not train their children to think or act differently [from the world]. It’s no wonder that they [Christian children] grow up to be just as involved in gambling, excessive drinking, and any other unbiblical behavior as everyone else.” Most Christians…