How to Rule in Your Sphere of Influence as God’s Friend (Insights in Psalms)

How to Rule in Your Sphere of Influence as God’s Friend (Insights in Psalms)

We have a great challenge to meet the spiritual hunger of those under 40 where 3% are Christians who reflect Christ (51% are unbelievers) compared to  9% of those over 40 who are Christians that reflect Christ. In the first chapter 1 Chronicles, the writer lists a genealogy highlighting the descendants of Abraham who ruled…

How to Possess and Regain Territory Lost to Evil One (Insights in Prophets)

How to Possess and Regain Territory Lost to Evil One (Insights in Prophets)

Cindy Jacobs in her book, “Possessing the Gates of the Enemy,” quoted Ed Silvoso’s definition of a stronghold: “a mindset impregnated with hopelessness that causes the believer to accept as unchangeable something that he/she knows is contrary to the will of God.” Rights we have to give up in order to tear down strongholds: The…

Dynamics and Results of Coveting (Insights in Prophets)

Dynamics and Results of Coveting (Insights in Prophets)

The last of the ten commandments is not coveting anything that is your neighbors. Ahab’s coveting of Naboth’s vineyard illustrates the dynamics and results of coveting. Coveting expressed itself in this example through false witness, murder and stealing. Those who follow deception because they have no shepherd covet and commit idolatry. Dynamics of Coveting Ahab…