Principles in Staying Devoted to Jesus No Matter Your Marital Status (Insights in NT)

Principles in Staying Devoted to Jesus No Matter Your Marital Status (Insights in NT)

“Unfaithfulness in the key relationships of life is a common failure for many people in contemporary society. This lack leads to so much misery. We who trust Christ must not allow the world to squeeze us into its mold. What wonderful blessings flow from faithfulness in keeping our vows. Examine your life. Is it characterized…

Maintaining Purity in Marriage and Sex (Insights in Law)

Maintaining Purity in Marriage and Sex (Insights in Law)

Priscilla K. Coleman, Professor of Human Development and Family Studies at Bowling Green University, controlled for demographic groups and prior history of mental health problems and found that women who had undergone an abortion had an 81 percent increased risk of mental health problems. Almost 10 percent of the incidence of mental health problems was…