Process and Benefits of Healing (Insights in NT)

Process and Benefits of Healing (Insights in NT)

People experience healing after suffering through genuine faith, obeying God redeems them from empty life, growing spiritually by drinking God’s word, becoming a living stone to offer spiritual sacrifices, and enduring injustice while entrusting themselves to Christ. A healed person influences God and their spouse and becomes a peacemaker in various spheres of life through…

Word-Inspired Corporate Prayer Extends Your Sphere of Influence (Insights in Psalms)

Word-Inspired Corporate Prayer Extends Your Sphere of Influence (Insights in Psalms)

“Scripture calls us to pray for many things: for all saints ; for all men; for kings and all rulers; for all who are in adversity; for the sending forth of laborers; for those who labor in the gospel; for all converts; for believers who have fallen into sin; for one another in our immediate…

Church Designed to Rebuild Cities (Insights in Prophets)

Church Designed to Rebuild Cities (Insights in Prophets)

The church is God’s plan for building healthy cities. Instead of taking personal responsibility, God’s people often rely on government and non-profit organizations to solve problems in the city whether it is housing, jobs, violence or social opportunities. Jeremiah encouraged an expanded role for the church in the city by speaking the whole truth of…

Counteracting Apathy in Your Relationship with God (Insights in Psalms)

Counteracting Apathy in Your Relationship with God (Insights in Psalms)

It’s easy to take God for granted and diminish His attributes. We forget His great works in saving us. We diminish His honor and glory. We overlook how God transforms people. We disregard His presence in our lives. We fail to acknowledge His miracles of provision. To counteract apathy in your relationship with God, study…