Fruitfulness Requires Spiritual Disciplines Founded Upon God’s Word (Insights in Prophets)

Fruitfulness Requires Spiritual Disciplines Founded Upon God’s Word (Insights in Prophets)

Fruitfulness requires spiritual disciplines founded upon God’s word for His watchmen or ambassadors: 1. Sow righteousness and seek the Lord2. Repent, remove the yoke and feed on His word for complete healing3. Stop trusting in wealth but listen to His word through His designated spokesmen4. Acknowledge God who cares, feeds and redeems you from death5. Walk…

Choose Spiritual Leaders Who Practice and Teach God’s Word (Insights in Prophets)

Choose Spiritual Leaders Who Practice and Teach God’s Word (Insights in Prophets)

The following describe how to choose spiritual leaders who practice and teach God’s word:1. Follow God’s Word to form an intimate relationship with Him as you surrender and confess your sins daily to God2. Experience God’s glory as you pray together to bear fruit-bearing disciples that heal people in all nations through the Holy Spirit3. Follow…

Empower People So They Seek the Spiritual Welfare of Others (Insights in Prophets)

Empower People So They Seek the Spiritual Welfare of Others (Insights in Prophets)

Most people are not empowered to serve others by seeking their spiritual welfare. In Ezek. 30-34, we learned that one serves others by seeking their spiritual welfare through preparing for Christ’s coming, humbling before God, warning people to turn away from sin, practicing God’s word, ministering with compassion to the needy, providing accurate and clear biblical…

Spread God’s Glory and Holiness in Your City (Insights in Prophets)

Spread God’s Glory and Holiness in Your City (Insights in Prophets)

In order to spread God’s glory and holiness in your city, reject idols and pride, see God’s glory, grieve over evil, speak God’s word, trust God for new heart, and communicate object lessons to motivate obedience.   Reject Confidence in Money, Idols and PrideThe Lord told Ezekiel that the end came to Israel with judgment,…

How to Confront Sin (Insights in Prophets)

How to Confront Sin (Insights in Prophets)

“Indeed the safest road to Hell is the gradual one–the gentle slope, soft underfoot, without sudden turnings, without milestones, without signposts,…Your affectionate uncle, Screwtape” (C.S. Lewis, The Screwtape Letters).  To have boldness to confront sin, hear God’s word and see His glory. Listen to the Holy Spirit and speak God’s word. Warn people of their sin…