Send Ambassadors Who Share God’s Word (Insights in Prophets)

Send Ambassadors Who Share God’s Word (Insights in Prophets)

A key strategy in building the body of Christ is sending ambassador who share God’s word internationally. Breaking the curse of sin through God’s word enables people to walk in God’s ways for spiritual influence. Trust God across national and denominational lines by networking ambassadors in prayerful unity. Then people can return to God by…

God’s Operation of Grace in Salvation and Evangelism (Insights in NT)

God’s Operation of Grace in Salvation and Evangelism (Insights in NT)

“If the church would only awaken to her responsibility of intercession, we could well evangelize the world in a short time. It is not God’s plan that the world be merely evangelized ultimately. It should be evangelized in every generation. There should be a constant gospel witness in every corner of the world so that…