Stop Taking Shortcuts in Making Disciples (Insights in NT)

Stop Taking Shortcuts in Making Disciples (Insights in NT)

Since becoming a believer, I have observed the difficulty in maintaining a balance between building up believers and reaching those outside the faith. Embracing the two Great Commandments of loving God with all our heart, mind and soul & loving our neighbor as ourselves empowers us to make disciples (Matt. 22:34-40; 28:18-20). Churches often try…

What View of Prophecy is Right? Wrong Question (Insights in NT)

What View of Prophecy is Right? Wrong Question (Insights in NT)

While in college, we spent endless hours debating various prophetic schemes trying to figure out from Scripture the right one. Was it amillennial or one of the pre-millennial views: pre-tribulational, mid-tribulational or post-tribulational? It may be none of the above. Many books have been written predicting the time of Christ’s return and all are wrong….