Be an Agent of Change

Be an Agent of Change

I led a Bible study during the lunch hour with office and blue-collar workers at a manufacturing firm. We studied Old Testament covenants and how Christ fulfilled them in Matthew.  Management decided the office staff and production workers should have separate lunch breaks at different times. I asked Joe, a friend from church, “How would…

Tipping Point of Kingdom Growth (Insights in NT)

Tipping Point of Kingdom Growth (Insights in NT)

A tipping point is a culmination of a build-up of small changes that effects a big change. Malcolm Gladwell popularized the concept in his book, “The Tipping Point: How Little Things Can Make a Big Difference,” showing examples of technologies, procedures, services or philosophies reaching critical mass and becoming mainstream. In New York City, for example,…

Stop Taking Shortcuts in Making Disciples (Insights in NT)

Stop Taking Shortcuts in Making Disciples (Insights in NT)

Since becoming a believer, I have observed the difficulty in maintaining a balance between building up believers and reaching those outside the faith. Embracing the two Great Commandments of loving God with all our heart, mind and soul & loving our neighbor as ourselves empowers us to make disciples (Matt. 22:34-40; 28:18-20). Churches often try…