God Reveals Our Part in His Kingdom Purposes (Insights in Prophets)

God Reveals Our Part in His Kingdom Purposes (Insights in Prophets)

A spiritual battle is raging all around us. My wife, Karen, and I do marriage intimacy work with couples. Many today are struggling. As a young person in my early 20s, my parents divorced after 27 years of marriage. Parents, siblings and friends experienced heartache, emotional trauma and identity crises that has affected them for…

What To Do About Fear

What To Do About Fear

We face fear throughout our lives, especially when we try something for the first time. A kindergarten student would rather stay home before the first day of school. A college freshman feels dread about Finals Week after his first semester. A job interview breeds anxiety. A marriage ceremony brings stress to the bride, groom and…

What Happens When You Seek Your Individual Rights?

What Happens When You Seek Your Individual Rights?

Our culture focuses on individual rights. We think our actions only affect ourselves and no one else. Many people live like lone rangers in a vaccuum. They don’t understand how little things reap dire consequences in the larger community, including their families and church bodies. Just like a stone being thrown in a pond, concentric ripples move outward affecting the whole body…

Are You Fulfilling the Dream God Has Designed for You?

Are You Fulfilling the Dream God Has Designed for You?

We all grow up with negative conditioning. We hear words like, “Children are to be seen and not heard,” or “You will never amount to anything.” After the age of five, most people stop dreaming. They settle for mediocrity rather than pursuing their passion. Those who  accomplish anything in life aren’t satisfied with the status quo, but continually…