Why Can You Exalt God’s Word in Worship (Insights in NT)

Why Can You Exalt God’s Word in Worship (Insights in NT)

The reasons you can exalt God’s word in worship are:1. Response to martyrs’ victory over the antichrist2. Know God’s judgment amplifies His grace in the heavenly temple3. Know God’s physical, ecological and celestial judgments often harden peoples’ hearts4. Clothe yourself with Jesus during natural disasters to prepare for Christ’s second coming5. Celebrate man’s destruction of idolatrous, religious system 6….

How to Reign with Christ and Shepherd the Nations (Insights in NT)

How to Reign with Christ and Shepherd the Nations (Insights in NT)

A person reigns with Christ and shepherds the nations by:1. Walk in Christ’s love doing first works2. Endure suffering, poverty and persecution3. Obey teaching from whole counsel of God4. Be pure without compromise or idolatry 5. Walk in Christ’s victory to overcome busyness and over-confidence6. Embrace evangelistic opportunities relying on God7. Listen to Jesus’ voice for zealous…

Steps to Make God’s Word Primary in Rebuilding Lives (Insights in Prophets)

Steps to Make God’s Word Primary in Rebuilding Lives (Insights in Prophets)

The steps to make God’s word primary in rebuilding lives begin with forgiving sin and studying His word as preparation to obey it, speak truth, not cheat the poor and nourish young people to deal harshly with evil. Then you can plant His word to restore and rebuild lives. Ask God to Forgive Sin and Study…

Spread God’s Glory and Holiness in Your City (Insights in Prophets)

Spread God’s Glory and Holiness in Your City (Insights in Prophets)

In order to spread God’s glory and holiness in your city, reject idols and pride, see God’s glory, grieve over evil, speak God’s word, trust God for new heart, and communicate object lessons to motivate obedience.   Reject Confidence in Money, Idols and PrideThe Lord told Ezekiel that the end came to Israel with judgment,…

How to Respond to Economic, Political and Moral Devastation (Insights in Prophets)

How to Respond to Economic, Political and Moral Devastation (Insights in Prophets)

When people trust in idols, devastation occurs in a country. The economy tanks and people lose jobs.  God is no respecter of persons, including the US. Trusting in something besides God brings deception to leaders causing a nation to go astray. In contrast, God blesses and glorifies anyone who trusts Him. Fear motivates people to worship…

How to Possess and Regain Territory Lost to Evil One (Insights in Prophets)

How to Possess and Regain Territory Lost to Evil One (Insights in Prophets)

Cindy Jacobs in her book, “Possessing the Gates of the Enemy,” quoted Ed Silvoso’s definition of a stronghold: “a mindset impregnated with hopelessness that causes the believer to accept as unchangeable something that he/she knows is contrary to the will of God.” Rights we have to give up in order to tear down strongholds: The…

How to Rebel Against An Ungodly Culture (Insights in Prophets)

How to Rebel Against An Ungodly Culture (Insights in Prophets)

The preceding chapters in 2 Kings 16-20 show how a single-minded focus prepares yourself to equip the next generation by trusting in God, prayer, meditation on God’s word, walking in truth and using insights and resources to spiritually equip them to meet future challenges.  The character of leadership determines to a large degree whether people…

Follow God’s Plan for Effective Disciplemaking (Insights in Prophets)

Follow God’s Plan for Effective Disciplemaking (Insights in Prophets)

Churches and ministries often  emphasize one aspect of disciplemaking, but blessing is minimized because they don’t follow God’s blueprint completely. Some examples of imbalance in disciplemaking include: 1. Personal glory and pride instead of releasing control and humility 2. Pastor or teacher gift apart from the offices of apostle, prophet and evangelist 3. Teaching without mentoring 4. Mentoring without teaching 5….