Conversions Necessary for Proper Stewardship (Insights in Law)

Conversions Necessary for Proper Stewardship (Insights in Law)

Martin Luther wrote that for proper stewardship, “there are three conversions necessary: the conversion of the heart, mind, and the purse.” Deut. 13-15 explains proper stewardship begins with loving God (conversion of the heart). It continues with confronting sin and eating healthy (conversion of the mind). It concludes with paying the firstfruits of your earnings,…

Holiness Affects Spiritual and Physical Areas of Life (Insights in Law)

Holiness Affects Spiritual and Physical Areas of Life (Insights in Law)

Many of us tend to dichotomize and compartmentalize our lives by dividing things into categories of either secular or sacred, material or spiritual, refined or natural. We separate what we are at church from our lives on the street. God wants you to move every mundane activity into the realm of holiness.  Holiness is not…

Seeking Bliss! (Insights in Law)

Seeking Bliss! (Insights in Law)

The day-to-day grind of life can be boring and tedious. We long for excitement. Even those working at compelling jobs often get tired of the routine. We may pursue indoor activities like woodworking or dancing for a change of pace. Others prefer outdoor activities–gardening, sailing, golfing, hunting or fishing. Marriage is the most significant relationship of life, but it can lose its spark…