Pathway and Benefits of Thanksgiving (Insights in Psalms)

Pathway and Benefits of Thanksgiving (Insights in Psalms)

Robert Emmons, professor of psychology at the University of California-Davis, has studied the health benefits of thanksgiving. Thankful people have lower risks for depression, phobias, bulimia and alcoholism. People with high blood pressure not only lower their blood pressure, but feel less hostile and are more likely to quit smoking and lose weight when they practice gratitude. Those who…

Character Over Competence (Insights in Prophets)

Character Over Competence (Insights in Prophets)

Studies show that most people fail because of character, not competence. Most leadership training today prioritizes planning and skill instead of character and heart issues.  According to leadership expert, Warren Bennis, the “core competency of leadership is character, but character and judgment are the qualities that we know least about when trying to teach them to others….

A Dose of Reality About the Rich and Famous (Insights in Psalms)

A Dose of Reality About the Rich and Famous (Insights in Psalms)

People often get nervous being around wealthy or famous people. Our minds have been brainwashed thinking they are extra special. Instead of being intimidated or thinking that you don’t measure up, be concerned about their eternal welfare. It may appear they have it made in this life, but the afterlife is another story. Reality is…

How to Embrace the Cross (Insights in NT)

How to Embrace the Cross (Insights in NT)

One of George Barna’s mega themes for 2010: The influence of Christianity on culture and individual lives is largely invisible. He states that Christianity has arguably added more value to American culture than any other religion, philosophy, ideology or community. Although there were a few subgroups that were more likely than average to experience church-based accountability, there…