Establish God’s Reign On Earth Through Community Weaving (Insights in Prophets)

Establish God’s Reign On Earth Through Community Weaving (Insights in Prophets)

If God’s creation is so magnificent, His word must be glorious also because when He spoke, everything was made (Ps. 19:1-6; Gen. 1:1-27). It’s perfect and complete. God’s word is the divine standard or owner’s manual showing how to get the most out of life. No other book or resource can compare with the Bible in…

How to Maximize Business and Service Opportunities (Insights in Law)

How to Maximize Business and Service Opportunities (Insights in Law)

With budget cuts, how will peoples’ needs be met? The days of relying on the government are gone. The church will need to step up. Incentives in promoting personal responsibility along with private and public partnerships must be forged so people can live successfully, with dignity and fulfillment. How can we maximize business and service…

Opposite of Modern-Day Christianity (Insights in NT)

Opposite of Modern-Day Christianity (Insights in NT)

Most Christians are indistinguishable from unbelievers. Their compromising lifestyles conform to the world. Instead of being on fire for God, they are lukewarm. Passiveness instead of passion becomes their calling card. They refuse to believe if it’s risky. Therefore, they adopt the path of least resistance. They coexist with sin instead of confessing it. They…

Pray Continually Instead of Worship Success (Insights in Prophets)

Pray Continually Instead of Worship Success (Insights in Prophets)

Congregations try many strategies to increase their numbers. A top-notch nursery, stimulating children’s ministries, friendly atmosphere, practical sermons that keep people smiling, lively worship team and needs- driven marketing are common church growth methodologies. How does this fit with God’s word? Quoting Vernon Grounds, “I say it bluntly: too many of us American evangelicals are…

God Moves Heaven to Promote Reconciliation (Insights in Law)

God Moves Heaven to Promote Reconciliation (Insights in Law)

God is more interested in reconciling  broken relationships than you are. He sovereignly arranges circumstances to bring people together. God provides resources to facilitate harmonious relationships. Even forgiveness is a gift of God. God moves heaven to promote reconciliation between Joseph and his brothers, which should be encouragement when you face unreconciled relationships.   Joseph…