How to Maximize Business and Service Opportunities (Insights in Law)

How to Maximize Business and Service Opportunities (Insights in Law)

With budget cuts, how will peoples’ needs be met? The days of relying on the government are gone. The church will need to step up. Incentives in promoting personal responsibility along with private and public partnerships must be forged so people can live successfully, with dignity and fulfillment. How can we maximize business and service…

God Moves Heaven to Promote Reconciliation (Insights in Law)

God Moves Heaven to Promote Reconciliation (Insights in Law)

God is more interested in reconciling  broken relationships than you are. He sovereignly arranges circumstances to bring people together. God provides resources to facilitate harmonious relationships. Even forgiveness is a gift of God. God moves heaven to promote reconciliation between Joseph and his brothers, which should be encouragement when you face unreconciled relationships.   Joseph…

How Offenders Reconcile Relationships (Insights in Law)

How Offenders Reconcile Relationships (Insights in Law)

The biggest obstacle for reconciliation of fractured relationships is selfishness. A husband and wife let bitterness build a wall between them so they won’t talk or allow anger to drive them apart. Hardened hearts cause selfishness and becomes the wedge to break up relationships, including marriages, families and churches. A peacemaker takes advantage of timing, integrity,…

Right Way to Reconcile Fractured Relationships (Insights in Law)

Right Way to Reconcile Fractured Relationships (Insights in Law)

Nothing hurts more than fractured relationships with family members or close friends. A ministry partner went behind my back to undermine my ministry. I was devastated. God used similar principles in reconciling my relationship with this individual as He used in reconciling Joseph with his brothers who had sold him into slavery. God sovereignly arranged…

Pressure Helps Restore Fractured Relationships (Insights in Law)

Pressure Helps Restore Fractured Relationships (Insights in Law)

Fractured relationships occur in families, churches and businesses. Husband and wives selfishly try to get their own way or become self-sufficient, which if not checked, leads to emotional or physical divorce. A parent shows favoritism to a son or daughter and the less favored sibling experiences deep hurt and isolation. A pastor and his church…