Conversions Necessary for Proper Stewardship (Insights in Law)

Conversions Necessary for Proper Stewardship (Insights in Law)

Martin Luther wrote that for proper stewardship, “there are three conversions necessary: the conversion of the heart, mind, and the purse.” Deut. 13-15 explains proper stewardship begins with loving God (conversion of the heart). It continues with confronting sin and eating healthy (conversion of the mind). It concludes with paying the firstfruits of your earnings,…

Replacing Fear and Anxiety with Love and Peace (Insights in NT)

Replacing Fear and Anxiety with Love and Peace (Insights in NT)

Many Christians sacrifice for Christ in their own strength. As a result, they betray Him through disobedience. Fear and anxiety and fear become the fruit. The Christian life is impossible to live. That is why divine resources are required. Christ’s relationship with His Father models the dependent relationship we should have with Him through the…

Transforming Discipleship and Mentoring Ministry (Insights in NT)

Transforming Discipleship and Mentoring Ministry (Insights in NT)

Researcher George Barna writes that for years we have been exposing Christians to scattered, random bits of biblical knowledge in our church services and Christian education classes. They hear a principle here and read a truth there, then nod their heads in approval and feel momentarily satisfied after receiving this new insight into their faith….

Stop Taking Shortcuts in Making Disciples (Insights in NT)

Stop Taking Shortcuts in Making Disciples (Insights in NT)

Since becoming a believer, I have observed the difficulty in maintaining a balance between building up believers and reaching those outside the faith. Embracing the two Great Commandments of loving God with all our heart, mind and soul & loving our neighbor as ourselves empowers us to make disciples (Matt. 22:34-40; 28:18-20). Churches often try…