Send Ambassadors Who Share God’s Word (Insights in Prophets)

Send Ambassadors Who Share God’s Word (Insights in Prophets)

A key strategy in building the body of Christ is sending ambassador who share God’s word internationally. Breaking the curse of sin through God’s word enables people to walk in God’s ways for spiritual influence. Trust God across national and denominational lines by networking ambassadors in prayerful unity. Then people can return to God by…

God is Doing a New Thing with Those Outside the Church (Insights in NT)

God is Doing a New Thing with Those Outside the Church (Insights in NT)

Joining our local human services federation showed me that people of the world often show more compassion than church people. Public school teachers and staff rival and often exceed the passion of the church in seeing children and their parents prosper. The director of after-school programs in low-income (Title One) schools in my city asked…

How Offenders Reconcile Relationships (Insights in Law)

How Offenders Reconcile Relationships (Insights in Law)

The biggest obstacle for reconciliation of fractured relationships is selfishness. A husband and wife let bitterness build a wall between them so they won’t talk or allow anger to drive them apart. Hardened hearts cause selfishness and becomes the wedge to break up relationships, including marriages, families and churches. A peacemaker takes advantage of timing, integrity,…

Right Way to Reconcile Fractured Relationships (Insights in Law)

Right Way to Reconcile Fractured Relationships (Insights in Law)

Nothing hurts more than fractured relationships with family members or close friends. A ministry partner went behind my back to undermine my ministry. I was devastated. God used similar principles in reconciling my relationship with this individual as He used in reconciling Joseph with his brothers who had sold him into slavery. God sovereignly arranged…