Adopting Biblical Values for Communication (Insights in Law)

Adopting Biblical Values for Communication (Insights in Law)

Because leaders of this world have particular agendas, people are offered payments or kickbacks to comply with them. God has a different plan for believers. Communication that adopts Biblical values furthers God’s purposes on earth.  When Balak, king of Moah, saw what Israel did to the Amorites, he feared them. Balak asked Balaam to curse Israel…

Practical Requirements in Building Kingdom Ministry (Insights in Law)

Practical Requirements in Building Kingdom Ministry (Insights in Law)

Many well-meaning ministers of the gospel fail in their pursuit of personal ministry goals because of their inability to conduct their ministry as a well-tuned and well-oiled operating mechanism in the same way a Fortune 500 company would.  They often over-spiritualize the practical requirements of enterprise.  Moses obeyed God’s instructions and operationalized them in the building…

Right Way to Reconcile Fractured Relationships (Insights in Law)

Right Way to Reconcile Fractured Relationships (Insights in Law)

Nothing hurts more than fractured relationships with family members or close friends. A ministry partner went behind my back to undermine my ministry. I was devastated. God used similar principles in reconciling my relationship with this individual as He used in reconciling Joseph with his brothers who had sold him into slavery. God sovereignly arranged…