Send Ambassadors Who Share God’s Word (Insights in Prophets)

Send Ambassadors Who Share God’s Word (Insights in Prophets)

A key strategy in building the body of Christ is sending ambassador who share God’s word internationally. Breaking the curse of sin through God’s word enables people to walk in God’s ways for spiritual influence. Trust God across national and denominational lines by networking ambassadors in prayerful unity. Then people can return to God by…

Choose Spiritual Leaders Who Practice and Teach God’s Word (Insights in Prophets)

Choose Spiritual Leaders Who Practice and Teach God’s Word (Insights in Prophets)

The following describe how to choose spiritual leaders who practice and teach God’s word:1. Follow God’s Word to form an intimate relationship with Him as you surrender and confess your sins daily to God2. Experience God’s glory as you pray together to bear fruit-bearing disciples that heal people in all nations through the Holy Spirit3. Follow…

Mentoring Younger Adults Enhances God’s Testimony (Insights in Law)

Mentoring Younger Adults Enhances God’s Testimony (Insights in Law)

George Barna, who has directed this tracking research since the early 1990s, pointed out, “There are a several troubling patterns to take notice. First, although most Americans consider themselves to be Christian and say they know the content of the Bible, less than one out of ten Americans demonstrate such knowledge through their actions. Second,…