How God Responds to Political Tyranny, Economic Depression and Leadership Crisis (Insights in Prophets)

How God Responds to Political Tyranny, Economic Depression and Leadership Crisis (Insights in Prophets)

“Satan’s arsenal consists of such things as fear, worry, doubt, and self-pity. Every one of these weapons robs us of peace and leaves us troubled inside. Do you want to discern where the enemy is coming against you? In the network of your relationships, wherever you do not have peace, you have war. Conversely, wherever…

Benefits of God’s Word in Affliction: Part 1 (Insights in Psalms)

Benefits of God’s Word in Affliction: Part 1 (Insights in Psalms)

God’s word, which is more important than riches, has many benefits during affliction, persecution and hard times. The Lord relates in personal ways to make a huge difference as He possesses more of you.  We will examine disciplines in God’s word resulting in obedience and accountability. How blessed are those whose way is complete with integrity,…