Establish God’s Reign On Earth Through Community Weaving (Insights in Prophets)

Establish God’s Reign On Earth Through Community Weaving (Insights in Prophets)

If God’s creation is so magnificent, His word must be glorious also because when He spoke, everything was made (Ps. 19:1-6; Gen. 1:1-27). It’s perfect and complete. God’s word is the divine standard or owner’s manual showing how to get the most out of life. No other book or resource can compare with the Bible in…

Pray Continually Instead of Worship Success (Insights in Prophets)

Pray Continually Instead of Worship Success (Insights in Prophets)

Congregations try many strategies to increase their numbers. A top-notch nursery, stimulating children’s ministries, friendly atmosphere, practical sermons that keep people smiling, lively worship team and needs- driven marketing are common church growth methodologies. How does this fit with God’s word? Quoting Vernon Grounds, “I say it bluntly: too many of us American evangelicals are…

Spiritual and Interpersonal Qualities of Successful Leadership (Insights in Prophets)

Spiritual and Interpersonal Qualities of Successful Leadership (Insights in Prophets)

Leadership training often focuses on skills, not developing spiritual character qualities. The first priority for successful leadership is spiritual or obedience to God, not learning techniques of delegating, coaching or time management. After character, interpersonal skills is second in importance. Knowing what, when and how to speak comes out of a heart that is filled…

How to Select and Nurture Leaders (Insights in Prophets)

How to Select and Nurture Leaders (Insights in Prophets)

How do you select and nurture leaders? They aren’t chosen solely on experience and competence. Anyone working for an organization knows that certain people get promoted and others even more qualified get passed over. Various situational factors encourage leadership opportunities to emerge. Good physical appearance, pleasing personality, servant heart and timing all work together. Saul…

How To Make a Difference In Your City (Insights in NT)

How To Make a Difference In Your City (Insights in NT)

Many people today download their personal responsibilities to  institutions and leaders. People expect government to deliver human services instead of the church, but that’s beginning to change because of budget cuts. It’s common for church members to rely on Sunday school classes and youth pastors to spiritually raise their children. Adults often let pastors and…

Promoting Personal Responsibility and Freedom (Insights in Prophets)

Promoting Personal Responsibility and Freedom (Insights in Prophets)

Many people today download their personal responsibilities to  institutions and leaders. People expect government to deliver human services instead of the church, but that’s beginning to change because of budget cuts. It’s common for church members to rely on Sunday school classes and youth pastors to spiritually raise their children. Adults often let pastors and…

Escaping the Dark Cloud of Dread (Insights in Prophets)

Escaping the Dark Cloud of Dread (Insights in Prophets)

There have been times when I lacked confidence. Timidity and cautiousness robbed me of joy. I was afraid to take risks. Life became boring and meaningless. How can you escape the dark cloud of dread clinging over you, which make forward progress impossible?  Both Israel and the Philistines experienced God’s curse by not following God. Philistines…

Character Over Competence (Insights in Prophets)

Character Over Competence (Insights in Prophets)

Studies show that most people fail because of character, not competence. Most leadership training today prioritizes planning and skill instead of character and heart issues.  According to leadership expert, Warren Bennis, the “core competency of leadership is character, but character and judgment are the qualities that we know least about when trying to teach them to others….